Thursday, January 6, 2011

seting ap

There are two wireless devices, one type of wireless Access Point (AP) and a longer Wireless Cable / DSL Router. Both these devices have not functioned optimally, directly arise curiosity to configure the AP. Model and brand of wireless devices is not mentioned, because it can not be a fee from the vendor and allows exploitation made easy by the illegal access of the area around the office he .. he ..

The first configuration are made to the AP, no password, the default password has been changed, no need to ask the previous configurator, find a way to reset to default factory settings on, can some information from the forum / mailing list, after a try finally returned to the AP configuration initial setting.

AP Interface to adjust the settings done by entering the IP address of the AP through the browser, some configuration is done, including by:
1. Adjust so that AP can serve as a DHCP server
2. Trying features Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
3. Regulate access based on MAC Address The access device
4. etc.
Several configurations are made does not work properly, for example even though the DHCP server has been set, the AP does not provide the IP in accordance with the allocation specified.
Upgade Firmware
Typically such devices have firmware AP will provide a firmware upgrade to make improvements, even with firmware upgrades will be no additional or new functions. Simply look for the latest firmware for the AP in a vendor website. Apparently there have been several releases of the old firmware on the AP, download the latest firmware version. Firmware is downloaded in the form of executable files, run the file will do decompress and produce the README file and firmware updates.
The upgrade process can be done easily, which is directly performed through a browser, enter the firmware update file, then click sumbit, in less than one minute upgrade process is completed and the new firmware directly attached. Reset to default factory setting is appropriate vendor recommendations in the README file.
Firmware upgrade gives very satisfactory results, namely DHCP server to function properly and the availability of additional facilities / new wireless device now functions into three types:
1. Access Point (default function)
2. Client Bridge Mode
3. Repeater Mode
AP and Computer Server
Currently, AP has been functioning well and properly, then there is a desire to set up a computer to be used as a server that will provide functionality for:
1. User management
2. Access Management
3. Proxy and Firewall
4. Authentication management
5. Noting log / history access
6. Provide billing features
Are there any readers who have done / installed an integrated open source applications for Linux to needs like this? if any, awaited his comments.

This is how to share internet connection cable with 2 LAN cards on windows XP.
there are 4 steps
1. Default network cable ISP
2. Setting windows to be able to share connection
3. IP settings on each LAN card
4. Connect the second LAN, and please browse
Default network cable ISP
ISP via tv cable -> cable modem -> LAN card first computer. make sure the internet was alive and was able to browse.

Setting windows to be able to share connection
Start -> Programs -> accessories -> Communications -> Network Setup Wizard
Next to appear the following windows.

select the appropriate instructions on the picture

The default is the LAN card which connect to the internet. Just stay next to complete. if asked for in the save to disk on the decline answered NO and the finish.
make sure Internet Connection Sharing on the LAN properties on the first computer that is connected to a cable modem selected.
check "Allow other network users to the connect through this computer's Internet connection"

IP settings on each LAN card
Setting the LAN card to the internet (computer 1) - default of technicians.
- Obtain an iP address automaticaly
- Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically
Setting the LAN card to Other Computers (computer 1):
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway: blank
DNS: blank
Setting the LAN card on Another Computer (computer 2,3,4,5, etc.):
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Preferred DNS server: Equalized with DNS on the LAN card which connect to the internet
Alternate DNS server: Equalized with DNS on the LAN card which connect to the internet
Connect the second LAN, and please browse
connect the LAN cards between computer 1 and computer 2 by using a cross cable. please browse.
for those who do not know how to set IP
Start -> Settings -> Control Panels -> Network Connections
Right click -> Properties (on Local Area Connection)
Tab -> general
This search for connection, use the Following items -> Internet Protocol [TCP / IP]
click properties -> on the General tab select obtain an iP address automaticaly
This setting is DHCP, to a static Following select Use this IP address.

for those who do not know how tough DNS
Start -> Settings -> Control Panels -> Network Connections
2x left click on the LAN card which connect to the internet
Tab -> Support
no button detail, there is such thing as DNS servers, that's the dynamic DNS provided by your ISP.
1. use a cross cable to connect the lan card and lan card PC1 pc to 2.
2. use a straight cable to connect the cable modem and lan card PC1
1. make sure the internet connection from ISP is road.
2. share the first connection on the LAN card. (See the section Setting windows to be able to share the connection)
3. IP settings, subnet mask, gateway and dns on each LAN card.
4. Internet congratulations you've shared.
5. Do not forget to use cross cable to connect the lan card lan card PC1 and PC2

Untuk menginstal script WordPress

Untuk menginstal script WordPress di server hostingan dan domain sendiri, ada dua cara yaitu :

Jika hostingan yang kamu memiliki fitur Fantastico di cpanelnya, tinggal klik iconnya dan script langsung terinstal di server dengan beberapa settingan standard.

Kedua, jika servermu tidak menyediakan fitur Fantastico, maka script WordPress masih bisa di download dari dan kemudian setelah extracting files-filesnya disimpan di hardisk. (Step 1)

Step 2, selanjutnya buatlah database dan user dengan cara :

login ke cpanel hostingan, klik menu Mysql
Buatlah nama database baru pada option “Create New Database”, misalnya diberinama “wordpressblog” , klik tombol “create”.
Jika belum ada data user yang ingin digunakan sebagai user di wordpress blog, buatlah nama user baru dengan cara klik option “Add New User” dan buat paswordnya untuk user tersebut.

Dalam section “Add privileges to the following database“, Setting Global Privileges untuk username dan database tersebut dengan mencentang pilihan “All”, agar user tersebu t dapat memiliki akses untuk semua perubahan dalam mengelola database.
Klik GO
Catatan Untuk isian nama server biasanya menggunakan “localhost“

Step 3, Selanjutnya cari file wp-config-sample.php yang ada di script WP dari tadi dan ganti namanya (rename) menjadi wp-config.php, buka file dengan text editor dan edit kode seperti ini :

// ** MySQL settings ** //define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database

define('DB_USER', 'username'); // Your MySQL username

define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); // ...and password

define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value
DB_USER dan DB_PASSWORD adalah nama username dan password yang dibuat diatas tadi
DB_HOST biasanya diisi dengan localhost, tetapi bisa juga berbeda tergantung yang diberikan server hosting. Klik Save File sesudahnya.

Step 4, upload semua file yang sudah diekstrak dari tadi ke server hostingan dengan menggunakan FTP Client, bisa ditempatkan di root directory (url aksesnya menjadi atau di subdirectory (urlnya )
Step 5, Run Script Install
di web broser, tuliskan
Kemudian akan muncul isian seperti ini:

Isi kolomnya dengan weblog title dan email yang digunakan.
kemudian ada beberapa petunjuk yang harus diisi

Untuk masuk ke admin panel, melalui
isi dengan username da password yang telah dibuat didatabase sebelumnya.

How to install Unreal 3.2.7 IRCd

How to install Unreal 3.2.7 IRCd

Welcome to the Tolerant Solutions installation guide for installing
the Unreal 3.2.7 IRCd on our shell servers. To retrieve the latest
version of the Unreal IRC daemon-- you can connect to our public FTP


The above line will retrieve Unreal IRCd version 3.2.7. Now that it
is downloaded, you need to unzip the file by typing:

tar -zxvf Unreal3.2.7.tar.gz

You will see a stream of lines displaying-- that's the compressed
package unzipping to your shell. Now you can jump into the IRCd
directory by typing:

cd Unreal3.2.7

Now that you are in the directory, you need to configure your IRCd.
You can type the following (within the Unreal3.2.7 directory) to begin
configuring your IRCd options:


NOTE: To select the default configuration options
(recommended), simply hit enter. If you are an advanced user and would
like to change configuration options, you may do so using the ./Config

Then type the following commands... (allowing each to run once):



make install

Now we recommend that you edit an example of a working configuration
file... Download this in your directory by typing:


And edit it...

pico unrealircd.conf

Or simply download it and replace it... after doing this, you may
edit your ircd.motd located in ~/Unreal3.2.7/ircd.motd and run!

./unreal start

Install psybnc

Install psybnc
Maybe it's a lot of tutoring on how to install psybnc:
here I will share installation psybnc and also as a record for me snediri too.
The first entry into our machine shell

we wget

after that extract the files above:

tar-zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz

extract the ongoing process to produce the directory psyBNC-2.3.2-7
change its name dir from psyBNC-2.3.2-7 into psybnc (all small name)
because linux distinguish uppercase and lowercase letters

we type mv psyBNC-2.3.2-7 psybnc
then type ls-l

after it entered into its dir

cd psybnc
and type make
compilation runs
Create a file psybnc.conf

psybnc.conf is an example of

[Root @ ardantus psybnc] # more psybnc.conf
USER0.USER.PASS = secret
USER0.USER.RIGHTS = 1 <<<<< level as admin / root (highest)
USER1.USER.LOGIN = I <<<<<< identnya (mirc adreses email me @)
USER1.USER.USER = ...::: Secure Administrator::: ...
USER1.USER.PASS == `1K` h0v p'H081f `= 0N <<<USER1.USER.RIGHTS = 1
Dont Disturb USER1.USER.AWAY = ME <<<USER1.USER.NICK = Dj-avu
USER1.SERVERS.SPASS2 = jarangoyang
USER1.SERVERS.SPASS1 = secret auto <<<<< to identify
[Root @ ardantus psybnc] #
after the edit and type

[Root @ ardantus psybnc] #. / Psybnc

after walking and we saw her we live pid login lemat mirc

many thanks

Joomla installation.

Before the installation you need to complete
few applications that would be used so that Joomla dapat
operated on your computer. This is a list of applications
and preparations to be made before
Joomla installation.

Joomla 1.0.3, can be downloaded at
Apache Server, PHP, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin, for
This installation allows you to use XAMPP application
for windows that are available and can be downloaded at You just simply follow
installation instructions only. With the installation of
XAMPP your computer will automatically install Apache Server,
PHP, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin.

Joomla Installation

Before the installation you need to complete
some applications that will be used so that Joomla can
operated on your computer. This is a list of applications
and preparations to be made before
Joomla installation

Joomla 1.0.3, can be downloaded at
Apache Server, PHP, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin, for
This installation allows you to use XAMPP application
for windows that are available and can be downloaded at You just simply follow
installation instructions only. With the installation of
XAMPP your computer will automatically install Apache Server,
PHP, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin.

Joomla Installation

Preparation prior to installation of Joomla

Extract the files to the folder Joomla 1.0.3
C: \ apachefriends \ xampp \ htdocs \ Joomlaku.
Enable Apache Server, PHP, and MySQL. Run application
XAMPP is installed and press the Start button on
Apache and MySQL to the Start button changes to
Stop. If not, you try to disable IIS or
Personal Web Server you.
After all has been prepared, let us begin the installation
Joomla. Follow the steps below:

Open a web browser and type in http://localhost/Joomlaku. Web
You will show the view like in this picture.
Ensure that all installation requirements are met and press
Next button>> to continue.
On this page will be shown that the agreement should
You obey if you want to use Joomla. Press the button
Next>> to continue.
Enter the MySQL database configuration.
Description of the MySQL database configuration:

Host Name, the name of the host name, usually filled with localhost
MySQL User Name, username used to access
MySQL, usually filled root or a username provided by the web
Your hosting
MySQL Password, the password used to access
MySQL, use the password to your web security.
MySQL Database Name, the name of the database for Joomla.
MySQL Table Prefix, prefix used for table
your database.
When you have filled in all proceed with the click of a button
Next>>. A moment later a message will appear asking
configuration confirmation that you have entered. When
all is correct, press the OK button.

On this page you are prompted to name your web.
Give the name and press the Next button>> to continue.
Please do confirm the URL, an absolute directory, e-
mail admin and directory chmods. Enter your e-mail address
and password for your admin. Press Next>>.
Congratulations you have managed to install Joomla
Do not forget to remove the installation directory at
your Joomla directory.

Web Page and Administrator

After successful installation let's try
Joomla Web access.

Visit your Joomla web at the address
http://localhost/joomlaku/. If you have not deleted
installation directory on the web directory of your Joomla
Your web administrator and will display a message
Visit your Joomla web at the address
Login with the username 'admin' and your admin password.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


In seeking information from the Internet, users will lead to a unique Internet address (eg: called the domain name (Domain Name / URL - Uniform Resource Locator) and find the information in the form of text, still or moving images, animation moves , sound or video in a media, which called the site or sites. This website is opened via a browser program (browser) on a computer. Explorer program that can be used in computers are: IE (Internet Explorer), Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape, Opera.

Web site or sites can be interpreted as a collection of pages that display information on text data, still or motion picture data, animation data, voice, video and / or a combination of these, whether they are static or dynamic that formed a series of interconnected buildings where each connected with networks page (hyperlink). Is static if the contents of the website information and equipment, rarely changed, and the contents of the information in the direction only from the website owner. Is dynamic if the contents of the website information is always changing, and the contents of an interactive two-way information derived from the owners and users of the website. Examples of static websites is to contain the company profile, while dynamic website is like Friendster, Multiply, etc.. In a side development, static website can only be updated by owner only, whereas dynamic website can be updated by the user or owner.

To provide a website, it should be available supporting elements, is as follows:

1. The domain name (Domain name / URL - Uniform Resource Locator)
The domain name or commonly called the Domain Name or URL is the unique address in the Internet world that are used to identify a website, or in other words the domain name is the address used to locate a website on the internet. Example:
Domain names are bought and sold freely on the internet with an annual rental status. Once the Domain Name was purchased at one of the registration service providers, then the user is provided a control panel for administration. If user forget / not renew the lease term, then the domain name will be on the loose again its availability to the public. The domain name itself has identified extensions / suffixes in accordance with the interests and the location of the website. Examples of domain name extension is the international air-com, net, org, info, biz, name, ws. Examples of domain name extensions were Indonesian State locations are:

-. For enterprises that have a valid legal entity
-. For Educational Institutions
-. Special for the Republic of Indonesia Government Institutions
-. Especially for Military Institutions of the Republic of Indonesia
-. For all kinds of organizations yand not included in the category "", "", "", "" etc.
-. for internet cafe industry in Indonesia
-. specifically for education institutions that provide education such as elementary, junior high or high school and
-. Intended for business entities, organizations or individuals who perform activities on the World Wide Web.

2. The house where the website (Web hosting)
Web Hosting can be defined as the space contained in the hard drive to store various data, files, images, video, email data, statistics, databases and so forth that will be displayed on the website. The amount of data that can be added depending on the size of web hosting that is rented / owned, the greater the greater the web hosting data that can be entered and displayed in the website.
Web Hosting also be obtained by renting. Users will gain the control panel is protected with a username and password for the administration website. The amount of disk space hosting determined by the size in MB (Mega Bytes) or GB (Giga Byte). Old web hosting rental average is calculated per year. Rental hosting done from tenant companies web hosting that are often found in both Indonesia and Foreign Affairs. The location of the laying of the data center (datacenter) web hosting manifold. There are in Jakarta, Singapore, Britain, America, etc. with rental prices vary.

3. Language Programs (Scripts Program).
It is the language used to translate each command in a website that when accessed. Types of language courses is to determine the static, dynamic or interactive web site. More and more variety of language programs that use it will show the website more dynamic and interactive as well as look good.
A variety of programming languages currently exists to support quality websites. Type type programming language that is widely used by website designers, among others, HTML, ASP, PHP, JSP, Java Scripts, Java applets, XML, Ajax and so on. The basic language used every site is HTML and the PHP, ASP, JSP and others are supporting language that acts as a regulator of dynamic and interactive websites.
ASP programming language, PHP, JSP or other can be made yourself. Language courses are normally used to build a portal of news, articles, discussion forums, guest books, members of the organization, email, mailing lists and others that require an update every time.

4. Website design.
After making the lease the domain name and web hosting as well as mastery of language programs (scripts programs), an important element and the main website is the design. Website design determines the quality and beauty of a website. The design is very influential to the assessment of visitors will be good or not a website.
To create a website can usually be done alone or hire a website designer. At present very many web designers services, especially in big cities. Please note that the quality of the site is determined by the quality of the designer. More and more web designers mastery of a variety of programs / software support site development it will produce more high quality sites, and vice versa. Services are web designers who generally require the highest cost of the entire cost of construction of the site and everything it depends on the quality of the designer. Website design programs one of them is Macromedia Firework, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, etc..

5. The program transfers data to the data center.
The web designers working on dikomputernya own website. Various programming languages, data text information, images, video, and sound files have become supporters of the website. These files can be opened using the explorer program (browser) that saw a whole website within your own computer (offline). But the files are necessary to put the house for hosting the online version accessible to the whole world. Users will be given access to FTP (File Transfer Protocol) after ordering a web hosting to move the website files to the web hosting data center. To be able to use FTP needed an FTP program, such as WAS FTP, Smart FTP, Cute FTP, etc.. FTP program is mostly found on the internet with the status of the use of free or must pay. The web designers can use the FTP facility that is integrated with authoring tools, such as Adobe Dreamweaver.

6. Publications website.
The existence of the website is useless built without visited or known by the public or visitors to the internet. Because the site is effective or not depends on the size of incoming visitors and comments. To introduce the site to the public requires a so-called publicity or promotion.
Publication sites in the community can be done in various ways such as with Pamphlets contain-Pamphlets contain, flyers, billboards, business cards and so forth but this way can be said is less effective and very limited. The way that usually do and most effective with unlimited space or time is a direct publication on the internet via search engines, search engines (search engines, like Yahoo, Google, MSN, Search Indonesia, etc.).
How to publications in search engines is free and some are paid. What is free is usually limited and long enough to get in and be recognized on search engines like Yahoo or Google. An effective way is by paying publication, despite having a little issue but the site will quickly get into search engines and is known by visitors.


To support the continuation of site maintenance is required every time the desired result such as the addition of information, news, articles, links, images, or so forth. Without proper maintenance the site will seem boring or monotonous also will soon be left visitors.

Site maintenance can be done per specified period such as every day, every week or every month regularly once or periodically just depends on the needs (not routine). Regular maintenance is typically used by news websites, articles provider, organization or government agency. Meanwhile, periodic maintenance usually for personal sites, sales / e-commerce, and so forth.


It should be understood that the domain name and web hosting hired status. During the two things are paid out of the lease extension, then you are entitled to have it and use it. Many cases of forgetfulness in the extension of the lease term, or difficult to contact third parties (web designers) as an intermediary for initial registration, it will be fatal. You will lose the domain name as an identity in the internet world. Make sure you remember to extend the lease term. The significance of the domain name you need to understand.


What is a Domain?. Digital tutorials this time will try to express to you about Understanding Domain. The meaning of the Domain and the function of these domains. Presumably what has been stated below can be helpful as well to answer your curiosity about the meaning of the Domain, goals and objectives.

Understanding Domain according to wikipedia:

The domain name (domain name) is given a unique name to identify the name of the server computer as a web server or email server on a computer network or the Internet. The domain name serves to facilitate the users on the internet when access to the server, and also used to remember the name servers that you visit without having to know complicated series of numbers known as IP addresses. This domain name is also known as a unity from a website such as for example "". The domain name is sometimes also referred to as URLs, or Web site addresses.
source: Wikipedia

Understanding Digital Domain According Tutorial:

Domain is a name formatted letter of the alphabet (a, b, c, d, e, and so on) and numbers (1,2,3, etc.) and symbols (-) to name the website url address instead of a row of numbers from the address format IP client server web hosting where files are placed.

Example: IP address for example a web server where we stored the file is actually we can just type directly in the browser to access our website, but it certainly is not good for memory recall, especially those visitors who access our website. Since everyone of course will be easier to remember the row of words rather than a row of numbers. For this domain is required in order to replace a row of numbers for a row of words that would easily diingat.misal: will be easier to remember than numbers