Saturday, September 13, 2008

Google Analytics is watching YOU

I hosted this site on my own server before moving it to sourceforge. At that time, I used a free, lite version of WebLog Expert to generate site traffic information from the Apache log files. It was good.

Of course this method no longer works as I do not have access to the log files now. I did not track the traffic, until Google announced Google Analytics, a free traffic-analyzing service for everyone.

Oh, Google again! Those skeptics said, they are more and more like Microsoft, who keep acquiring and expanding and using "advanced" technology until there is no room (and money) for its competitors.

But according to Eric Peterson, a senior analyst on web site technology, Google does not seem to be forcing other analytics vendors out of business. There are still many websites, most of them blogs, that didn’t heard of or use any website analysis services until Google started providing a free one. The market still has plenty of room for everyone at the moment.

Actually I do not worry too much about Google being the Big Brother, as I think the chance is slim. But it is in general not a good idea to put all eggs in one basket. Given the fact that I have used too many Google’s products, this time I would really like to try software from other companies. However, most of them, for example those mentioned by Eric, are either not free or by invitation (e.g. Measure Map) only. If any one knows a good substitution, please let me know.

Before I found another solution, I would keep using Google Analytics. Nonetheless, I think my visitors here should have the right to know this: This site uses Google Analytics to track YOU.


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