Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hari ini tgl .04-09-2008 aku mendapatkan email dari seorang wanita yang bernama "LINDA HUDSON" . Dia mengabarkan pada aku berita duka ini. Inilah isi surat itu:

Did you know that Lita had cancer? She didn't tell some of her online friends. She didn't want them to worry. Lita went to the doctor on Thursday, August 21. He told her the chemotherapy (obat) was no longer working to cure her cancer. He said she had 3 months to one year to live. She wanted to return to Indonesia. But, she died on Sunday, August 24.
She had a good, two-hour telephone visit with her family after her doctor appointment. They also called Saturday night to tell her goodbye. She was in a coma but when she heard her father's voice, she woke up long enough to hear her family.
I was there when Ralita died. She was at her home in Dallas. She was in a coma. Her American mother laid down on the bed beside her. We prayed. Her American mother sang to her. Lita gently passed from her American mother's arms into the arms of Jesus.
Lita's American parents will take her body back to Indonesia to her mother and father. She will be buried there. I think the service will be sometime next week. If you would like to contact her family, I can send you her father's phone number.
I really am not comfortable sending you the last pictures of Lita. It would be better for you to remember her from earlier photos. I love the photo of her on her friendster page - Lita hugging the teddy bear and smiling like always.
Please share with all her online friends how much you all meant to her. She had such fun with all of you. She loved hearing from you. The time she spent with her online friends was happy time for her.
Lita was an amazing young woman. Everyone who met her was touched by her beautiful smile and her sweet, spunky spirit. She will be greatly missed.
I have a friendster account. If you would like to stay in touch, you can find my account via my aol account.
Linda Hudson

Aku tak mampu berfikir dan saat ini baru ini yang bisa aku tuangkan
Lita adalah pemilik blog: Anak yang hilang

Selamat jalan kawan....
Selamat jalan adikku tersayang.....
Selamanya kamu tetap RALITA buat aku...
Tidurlah dengan damai....
Doaku selalu menyertai perjalananmu


Get The Code and Fell The SOUL


  1. wah asyik dong ibunyapasti senang......ajib....yang pertamax...sekarang nih

  2. wadaw,, kok malah seneng yah..??

    itu blogger dari amerika meninggal dunia...

  3. inna lillahi wa inna lillahi rojiun

  4. i'm sorry to hear that, bro!meskipun saya gak kenal, tapi berita kematian selalu menjadi mimpi buruk bagi saya

    moga ada yang nerusin blognya..

  5. aku jg dpt berita dari Naza... udh aku ucapin langsung ke blognya... dan aku jg baca beritanya di blognya Parlin... btw turut berduka cita semoga dosa2 diampuni Tuhan YME

  6. maaf jadi kasihan deh.....moga amal ibadahnya diterima yah mas tukul. inna lillahi wa inna lillahi rojiun
